Jean Hood serves as Vice President for Human Resources at the University of Texas at Arlington. Prior to this appointment, Jean held executive level human resource positions at the Urban Institute in Washington D.C.; the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in Cambridge MA; the Rhode Island School of Design. In addition to her higher education experience, Hood held the position of Assistant Managing Director for Lord and Taylor in Dallas, Texas. She holds a BS in Management from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA.
Hood is very active in her profession and is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management, The College and University Professional Association, The National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education and holds the SPHR certification from SHRM.
Prior to moving back to Texas, she was on the Board of Directors for the North East Human Resource Association and has served as a program evaluator for the Ford Foundation’s Innovations in American Government Program. Currently, she is on the State Board of the Texas Diversity Council as well as a member of the Advisory Council for the Master of Science in Human Resource Management Program in the College of Business at the University of Texas at Arlington. In addition, Hood serves on the National Mentoring Veterans Project and is a Director on the Board of Conexion, a non- profit organization engaged in advancing Latino leadership. She serves on two community boards – Leadership Arlington and Theater Arlington.