Lifelong learningnever stops, my majoreducationalaccomplished include: MHA, Baylor University; MBA, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; BS in Healthcare Administration, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Volunteering and community involvementareessentialsteps to continued growth for us,and others. A few associationsin which I participate:Boards-Texas Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration and Education; United Way Comal County, Healy Murphy Center , Advisory Board Member and Adjunct Professor, Baptist School of Health Professions, Preceptor for U.S. Army Training with Industry, Baylor University MHA Resident Program.
Recent work experience includes: Currently, Senior Human Capital Partner, Central Region Optum/United Health Group; Chief Human Resources Officer; Hospital Compensation San Antonio and South Texas-Tenet Healthcare Corporation; Regional Director, Human Resources-Baptist Health System San Antonio, Texas.
My military career started in 1987in the U.S. Navy as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal-Diver-Marine Mammal Systems technician. Seeing the light, I later moved into the U.S. Army, holding multiple positions across the healthcare landscape. These positions includes: Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation/Business Development and Integration Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs; Director, Clinical Support and Business Operations -Brian Allgood Community Hospital; Director, Human Resources -Keller Army Community Hospital; Instructor/Faculty-U.S. Army Medical Department School; Chief Operating Officer-Multi-NationalHospital, Kosovo and Wurzburg, Germany; Director, Human Resources -30th Medical Brigade; Director, Medical Evacuation and Support, 2d/11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, NTC; Sr. Manager, Hospital Education, Training and Security Weed Army Community Hospital, Fort Irwin, CA.
I am married to mybeautifulwife,Tammieof 23yrs; together,we have three wonderfulchildren;twin 17 yr old girls, Alexandria and Elisabeth and 15 yr old son, Nathan. We currently reside in New Braunfels, Texas.