Todd is a native of Evergreen, Colorado and is a retired US Army Master Sergeant. He served in logistics specializing as a Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. He served from 1991 to 2010 in numerous locations to include Ft. Stewart, GA with the 24th ID, Miessau, GE with the 59th ORD BDE, Mannheim, GE in the 7th SIG BDE, Ft. Carson, CO in the 3rd ACR, Ft. Huachuca, AZ in the 111th MI BDE, and Ft. Sam Houston in the WTB.
He served hardship tours to Hurricane Andrew Relief effort, IFOR in Croatia and served combat tours in the Al Anbar province in Iraq and Kabul, Afghanistan. His highest decorations are the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart Medal and the Legion Of Merit. He medically retired after being critically injured in Kabul Afghanistan by a suicide bomb blast. He has since finished over 40 reconstructive surgeries, finished his Bachelors Degree from Wayland Baptist University and spent some time as a motivational speaker.
Todd now works as a talent acquisition specialist, specializing in hiring wounded veterans. He is married to Sarah and has two beautiful daughters, Macaley(17) and Meghan(14). In his free time he enjoys golfing and spending time with his family.