Q1 Gulf Coast Chapter Meeting
Theme: The State of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Venue: Melton and Melton, 6002 Rogerdale Rd Suite 200, Houston, TX 77072
Feb 14, 2024
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (CT)
Houston, TX
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) emerged as a necessary and critical initiative for many companies and organizations in 2020. In just under 2 years, many of these commitments or initiatives have quietly disappeared or strategically dismantled due to new laws, diverse interpretations of this work, unmet outcomes, or sociopolitical challenges. Through this presentation, we will explore the current state of DEI, why we are here, and recommendations for how to keep moving forward. The session will also explore how DEI initiatives and strategies may have inadvertently contributed to the current state of DEI and the urgency for new approaches.
For questions or comments, please contact Mae Marshall at [email protected].
Keynote Speaker
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